How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter & Fight the Seasonal Blues

How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter & Fight the Seasonal Blues

How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter & Fight the Seasonal Blues

Discover how to get Vitamin D in the winter to boost your mood, fight seasonal blues, and stay healthy during the colder months.

Winter is here, and with it comes the familiar challenges of shorter days and less sun exposure. If you often feel sluggish or down during the colder months, you may be experiencing a dip in your vitamin D levels. Sunshine vitamin D helps regulate mood, immunity, and energy levels.

When winter comes and the days get shorter, it can be hard to get enough vitamin D, especially if you live in northern climates that get little to no sun exposure during the winter months. You're not alone if you’re wondering how to get vitamin D in the winter. 

This guide discusses why this topic is so important and how you can enjoy a brighter mood, stronger immunity, and better health all winter with simple and effective ways to maintain optimal vitamin D levels. So, how to measure sun exposure?

One helpful tool to help you get enough vitamin D in the winter is SunSeek’s daily sunlight exposure tracker. This app enables you to optimize your sun exposure for better health, helping you to achieve your goals without unnecessary stress or overthinking.

Table of Contents

Why Is Low Vitamin D So Common in the Winter?

winter - How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

Your body needs vitamin D to maintain healthy bones and teeth, support your immune system, brain, and mood, and help your body absorb calcium. Like any other vitamin, you want to be sure you're getting enough vitamin D, but you also don't want too much. 

You know what they say: It is possible to have too much of a good thing! In this case, "In excess it can become toxic," says Registered Dietitian and nutritionist Stefania Manetti (My Vita Sana LLC). She adds, "Since it is a fat soluble vitamin, the excess is stored in the fat and can also cause health problems." 

The following are her recommended daily amounts of vitamin D: For individuals 1 through 70: 15 mcg of vitamin D per day (600 IU). For individuals 71 and older: 20 mcg of vitamin D per day (800 IU). Manetti notes IU is "Often the unit used on supplements." Additionally, she says, "These amounts assume that there is no vitamin D deficiency and that the body can absorb and activate vitamin D efficiently." 

The Struggle for Vitamin D in Winter Months 

While a large portion of our nation struggles with vitamin D sufficiency year-round, vitamin D status notoriously dips during the winter, especially for those in higher latitudes. In the 1980s, professor of medicine, physiology, and biophysics at Boston University Medical Center Michael Holick, M.D., Ph.D., authored foundational research on vitamin D synthesis that has continued to lead the evidence-based conversation on vitamin D throughout seasonal changes. 

In this research, Holick discovered the cutaneous vitamin D production (i.e., in the skin) of individuals living in Boston, Massachusetts, during winter months was nonexistent. "If you are in Boston in the wintertime and you go outside for 15 minutes, you make zero vitamin D. In fact, you make no vitamin D from about November until the following March," he previously explained to mindbodygreen. 

While this logic makes sense during the wintertime, sunshine isn't a sufficient source of vitamin D for most individuals any time of year (even during sunny summer). Our exposure to sunshine and ability to convert it to vitamin D is impacted by numerous factors—including geographic location, season, climate, UV levels, pollution, clothing, sunscreen, age, and skin tone. Simply put, we can't rely on sunlight to achieve and sustain optimal vitamin D levels, especially in the winter. (Hint: This is where vitamin D supplementation comes in.) 

The Risks of Low Vitamin D Levels 

Nearly 37% of adults worldwide have vitamin D levels below the recommended amounts, according to research published in the journal Metabolites. Severe deficiency is reported in 7% of the global population. In the U.S., studies have found that 14% to 18% of adults have low levels of vitamin D. Without enough vitamin D, bones may become weak and brittle over time. In children, this condition is called rickets and remains a worldwide problem. 

Adults risk a softening of the bones called osteomalacia and osteoporosis. People with vitamin D deficiency also report bone pain. Other signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include muscle weakness, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. Some people also report changes in their mood and ability to concentrate. 

Some people are more at risk for too little intake or absorption of vitamin D: People with limited sun exposure, Breastfed infants, People with certain health conditions such as celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, kidney diseases and malabsorption syndromes, Athletes Older adults, People with obesity People with a history of gastric bypass surgery Additionally, you could be missing out on this vital vitamin if you have a milk allergy, lactose intolerance, or if you follow an ovo-vegetarian or vegan diet.

Related Reading

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How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

eating fish - How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

1. Fatty Fish: Your Winter Superfood 

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent natural sources of vitamin D. They provide a bioavailable form of the vitamin, which is easily absorbed by the body. Incorporating 2-3 servings of fatty fish weekly can significantly boost your vitamin D levels.

2. Fortified Foods: The Easy Way to Get More Vitamin D

Many foods, including milk, orange juice, cereals, and plant-based milk alternatives, are fortified with vitamin D. Check labels to ensure they contain adequate amounts of vitamin D. These are convenient options to include in your daily meals, especially for those who are vegetarian or lactose intolerant.

3. Supplements: Reliable Vitamin D in a Pinch

Vitamin D3 supplements are a reliable way to maintain optimal levels during winter. Consult a healthcare provider to determine the correct dosage based on your current vitamin D levels. Supplements are especially beneficial for those with limited dietary options or minimal sun exposure.

4. Egg Yolks: Simple and Nutritious 

Eggs can be a healthy source of vitamin D as long as you eat the yolk. Eggs from hens that live outside and get plenty of sunlight are especially beneficial. Research has shown that the vitamin D3 content of egg yolk is three to fourfold higher when the eggs come from outdoor hens versus hens that live indoors.

5. Cod Liver Oil: A Traditional Remedy 

Cod liver oil is a rich vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids source. A single teaspoon can provide a significant portion of your daily vitamin D requirement. It's a traditional remedy for combating winter deficiencies and supports overall health.

6. Get Outside: You Need Sunshine, No Matter the Temperature 

Even in winter, sunny days provide some UVB rays. Aim to spend at least 15-20 minutes outdoors on clear days, exposing your face, arms, or legs. Choose midday for maximum sunlight exposure, and ensure you dress warmly while allowing some skin to absorb sunlight.

7. UV Lamps: Simulate Sunshine Indoors 

UV lamps or sunlamps mimic sunlight and can help stimulate vitamin D production in the skin. These devices are handy in regions with minimal sunlight during winter. Use them as directed to avoid overexposure.

8. Wild Mushrooms: A Unique Plant Source of Vitamin D 

If you are looking for vitamin D that doesn't come from an animal source, mushrooms are perfect. Like us, mushrooms create vitamin D when exposed to UV light from the sun. Fungi are packed with vitamin D2 (animal sources contain vitamin D3), and one cup of wild mushrooms can equal about 136 IU of vitamin D. Certain mushrooms, like shiitake and maitake, naturally contain vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight or UV light before consumption increases their vitamin D content. Include these in soups, stir-fries, or salads for a healthy boost.

9. Stay Active Outdoors: Exercise and Sunshine Are a Winning Combination 

Walking, jogging, or skiing encourages you to spend time outside during daylight hours. Combining physical activity with sun exposure is a double benefit for boosting your mood and vitamin D levels.

10. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Balance is Key to Vitamin D Metabolism 

Vitamin D is stored in fat tissue, and excess body fat can sequester the vitamin, making it less available. Maintaining a healthy weight can improve your body's efficiency in utilizing vitamin D, ensuring optimal levels throughout winter.

Related Reading

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Download Our App to Track your Daily Sunlight Exposure Today

Sun Exposure App - How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

In winter, many people find it hard to get enough vitamin D due to the reduced sunlight. SunSeek helps solve this problem. The app enables you to optimize your daily sunlight exposure by tracking and providing personalized recommendations based on your location, skin type, and health goals. The app combines real-time UV monitoring with guided outdoor activities to help you improve sleep, boost energy levels, and maintain optimal vitamin D levels throughout the year. By aligning your daily routine with natural light cycles, SunSeek makes it easy to equip sunlight's health benefits while ensuring safe exposure through personalized timing recommendations and cloud coverage forecasts. 

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