What Is the Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D From the Sun & Glow Inside Out?

What Is the Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D From the Sun & Glow Inside Out?

What Is the Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D From the Sun & Glow Inside Out?

Discover the best time of day to get vitamin D from the sun and boost your health naturally while glowing inside and out.

Many people understand that vitamin D is crucial for health. But did you know that getting enough vitamin D from the sun can improve your mood, help you sleep better, and support your immune system? It can even improve your skin’s appearance! But like with any good thing, moderation is key. Overdoing sun exposure can lead to dangerous consequences, including skin cancer. 

So, how can you enjoy the sun safely to get the vitamin D you need? One way to make your time in the sun as effective as possible is to learn the best time to get vitamin D from the sun. Not only will this help you achieve your goals, but it will also alleviate any stress you may have about sun exposure. How to Measure Sun Exposure. This guide will help you confidently harness the sun's power for optimal vitamin D levels, safely enhancing your health, energy, and natural radiance.

SunSeek’s daily sunlight exposure tracker can help you achieve your goals by getting you the vitamin D you need while minimizing harmful UV exposure. 

Table of Content

What Should You Know About the Sun and Vitamin D?

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The sun is a key natural source of vitamin D. When skin is exposed to sunlight; it produces a preliminary form of vitamin D. The liver and kidneys then modify this form to create the active form of vitamin D that the body can use. Beca

Why Your Body Needs Vitamin D

use of this process, vitamin D is often called the "sunshine vitamin." Vitamin D serves many functions in the body. One of its most important roles is regulating mood. A lack of sunlight and, by extension, lower vitamin D production is associated with mood changes, especially during winter. Scientists aren't entirely sure how vitamin D regulates mood, but studies show that it can help decrease the risk of depression. 

Vitamin D and Bone Health

Vitamin D also contributes to bone health. You probably know that calcium is necessary for building and maintaining strong bones. Still, did you know that your body can't properly absorb calcium without vitamin D? Without enough vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. In children, this condition is called rickets; in adults, it’s known as osteomalacia. 

Vitamin D and Immune Function

Vitamin D helps keep the immune system functioning at its best, protecting against infections and illnesses. Studies show that individuals with low levels of the vitamin are more susceptible to respiratory infections. There’s even evidence that it lowers the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. 

Soak Up the Sun—and Vitamin D

When your skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun, it produces a preliminary form of vitamin D that’s then turned into the active form of the vitamin by the liver and kidneys. That’s why vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin.” 

How Much Sun Do You Need?

How much sun do you need to get the correct vitamin D for optimal health? Not much! As few as five to 10 minutes of sun exposure a day can jumpstart the process of producing vitamin D. 

The Dangers of Too Much Sun

While sun exposure is a fast path to vitamin D production, too much exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn, signs of skin aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. If you’re seeking the vitamin D-stimulating properties of the sun, limit yourself to no more than 10 minutes in direct sunlight without sunscreen.

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What Is the Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D from the Sun?

man syanding in sun - Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D From the Sun

Vitamin D Sun Exposure: How Timing Affects Skin Health

The best time for sun exposure depends not only on the time of day but also on the time of year, geographical coordinates, weather conditions (is it cloudy or is it a clear sky?) as well as skin particularities such as the content of melanin, sunscreen or sunblock use, clothing choice, etc. 

Considering this wide variety of factors that influence the intensity/amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching our skin, safe sunlight exposure hours may not be the same for everyone across the globe. With this in mind, it may be necessary to sometimes adapt your sunbathing hours to factors such as skin type, weather conditions, or geographical location to avoid potential side effects such as sunburns or increased risks of skin cancer.

How to Sunbathe Correctly: Tips and Advice

By considering the following factors and variables, you can practice safe sun exposure and enjoy the health benefits that come with it while minimizing associated risks and side effects. 

Best Time of Day and Time of Year for Sun Exposure

Experts say that, generally, sunbathing is safest during summer before 11 a.m. and after 3-4 p.m. In other words, we must avoid sunbathing in the middle of the day, when the sun is scorching hot (or when the shadow is shorter than our height). By preventing this period, we reduce our risk of getting sunburns and skin damage that may favor the development of skin cancer

Nevertheless, some tell us to go out in the scorching midday sun during summer because that’s when we get the best tan and enjoy more of the suitable ultraviolet radiation that helps our skin produce more vitamin D. Still, it’s not healthy for us to sunbathe in the middle of the day when we feel our skin is too hot for comfort after only 10-15 minutes in the sun. At this point, no amount of sunscreen or sunblock can protect us from sun damage. There isn’t a suitable type of ultraviolet radiation because UVA, UVB, and UVC (though the third does not pass through the atmosphere), despite favoring physical and mental health, have carcinogenic effects. 

Going outside for a brief 30-40 minute walk or an errand during summer while wearing short pants, short sleeves, and a hat is enough exposure to help us produce significant amounts of vitamin D. Things are different during wintertime in the northern hemisphere. Because of the cold weather and lack of sunlight, the best time to get a little sun is in the middle of the day. Considering that low temperatures might not allow for short sleeves or short pants, we must ensure we get sun on our face and hands and further supplement to meet our daily needs. 

Weather Conditions for Sun Exposure  

Sometimes, summer doesn’t feel or look like summer, and winter doesn’t feel or look like winter. Rainy days do not allow for proper sun exposure, while cloudy skies don’t help us produce much vitamin D. For example if it’s cloudy outside. Sunlight and sun radiation may not reach us at all (the more overcast it is, the less sun we enjoy). 

This means that enjoying some sun during the middle of a not-so-hot summer day is equivalent to sunbathing during the safe hours of a scorching hot day. We must adjust to the weather conditions during each season and try to guess the safest sunbathing hours according to the comfort level we might experience after spending 10-15 minutes in the sun. 

Skin Content of Melanin and Sun Exposure Risks and Benefits 

A crucial point to consider when sunbathing is our skin’s melanin content. The darker the skin, the more melanin it has. The lighter the skin, the less melanin it has. What is melanin? Melanin is a pigment that protects our skin from excessive sunlight radiation but, at the same time, can block vitamin D production. The more tanned our skin gets, the more melanin it concentrates and the less vitamin D it produces. 

This, however, does not necessarily mean that people with darker skin have a vitamin D deficiency or that people with fair skin produce too much of the nutrient. However, it does indicate how our skin is most likely to respond to sun exposure and regulate vitamin D production. Interestingly, people with darker skin are more responsive to sun exposure. 

For example, a person with darker skin is likelier to get tanned faster, often without sunburns (provided the exposure is moderate) and requires less sun exposure and protection than a person with fair skin. A person with fair skin might need overall lengthier sun exposure for similar health benefits but will tend to get sunburns faster, tan very little or not at all, and require shorter but more numerous sunbathing sessions. While a person with fair skin should always use sunscreen and avoid midday hours, a person with darker skin might linger 20 more minutes in the sun without worrying. 

Use of Sunscreen or Sunblock and Clothing Choice 

Experts advise everyone to use sunscreen or sunblock and remember to reapply at regular intervals after coming out of the water or using a towel to dry up. Fair-skinned people are the most sensitive because their low melanin content leaves them more exposed to sunburns and skin damage. 

Sunscreen and sunblock are crucial in prolonged exposure to sunlight, even during safe hours. However, by blocking sun radiation, SPF lotions also block vitamin D production. This is where clothing choice becomes essential. 

We can get our 20 minutes or so of sun and produce some vitamin by unintentionally exposing our arms, hands, part of our legs, and face. Going to the store down the street for some snacks, having a lemonade on the porch in the morning or afternoon, and other similar activities that do not require a bathing suit but rather shorts and short sleeves can get us some sun exposure during summer without having to lather ourselves in sunscreen. 

Geographical Coordinates and Sun Exposure  

Where we live (or sunbathe) can influence the amount of sunlight radiation the earth receives, and our skin absorbs. The closer we are to the Equator, the more sun we enjoy, and the more likely we are to experience the side effects of too much or inadequate sun exposure. In the mid-latitudes, exposure is problematic only during summer, when avoiding midday hours is best. The farther south we go, the more sunlight and warmth there is and the more critical safe sunbathing hours become. 

Age and State of Health and Sun Exposure  

There is great emphasis on children and the elderly getting enough sun to help with bone development, strength, and good immunity. But we need to take in sufficient sun at all ages. It’s only that adults are believed to be already aware of the importance of sun exposure and get their time in the sun, as opposed to children or the elderly, who may not be able to enjoy proper sun exposure without guidance or help. 

Moreover, it has been shown that sun exposure is particularly beneficial for those in poor health due to the immune-boosting effects of vitamin D. Nevertheless, keeping to safe sunbathing hours remains essential, particularly for those already at risk for skin conditions such as melanoma.

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Tips for Maximizing Vitamin D Production Safely

person in sunlight - Best Time of Day to Get Vitamin D From the Sun

Maximize Vitamin D Production by Exposing Larger Skin Surface Areas to Sunlight

To boost vitamin D synthesis, expose a large skin surface area to sunlight. Wear minimal clothing like shorts or tank tops to allow for more skin exposure. The more skin is exposed to sunlight, the more significant the increase in vitamin D production. 

Unlock the Role of UVB Rays in Vitamin D Synthesis

UVB rays activate vitamin D synthesis in the skin. These rays can only penetrate the atmosphere when the sun is above a certain angle, usually between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Expose your skin to sunlight during these peak hours for optimal vitamin D production. 

Gradually Increase Sun Exposure and Build Tolerance

Adopting sun exposure suddenly can have adverse effects on your skin and health. Start your vitamin D-boosting routine with shorter periods of sun exposure and slowly increase the duration according to your tolerance. This approach allows your skin to adapt and build a tolerance to sunlight, decreasing the risk of sunburn while promoting vitamin D production. 

Timing and Sun Exposure for Optimal Vitamin D Synthesis

The timing and duration of sun baths impact vitamin D synthesis. Aim for short spurts of direct sunlight on a substantial portion of your skin, such as the arms, legs, back, or abdomen, for about 10 to 30 minutes. The time needed will depend on skin type, latitude, season, and intensity. 

Sun Protection Measures are Key to Safeguarding Your Skin

Sun protection is paramount in preventing the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin. Overexposure to the sun’s UV radiation can lead to sunburn, premature aging, skin damage, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Here’s how you can take measures for a sun bath.

Using Sunscreen Effectively

Sunscreen is the most common and effective tool for sun protection. Choose a broad-spectrum sun lotion that defends against both UVA and UVB rays. Select a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or above. Apply sun lotion evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, neck, arms, and legs. Reapply every 2 hours or more frequently if sweating or swimming. Always check the expiration date of your sun lotion and replace it if it has expired.

Wearing Protective Clothing and Accessories

With sunscreen, you must wear protective clothing that provides additional safeguarding against harmful UV radiation. Wear light, long-sleeved shirts and pants made of woven fabrics. Go for a wide-brimmed hat that shades the face, neck, and ears. Use UV-blocking sunglasses to shield your eyes and the soft skin around them.

Seeking Shade When Necessary

Direct exposure to the sun can give you migraines and skin rashes. Try to seek shade during the peak sun hours. UV radiation is most intense when the sun is at its highest point. Spending time in the shade can help reduce direct exposure to the sun’s rays and decrease the risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Download Our App to Track your Daily Sunlight Exposure Today

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Sun exposure is key to maintaining optimal vitamin D levels, yet getting "too much sun" can damage your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer. The SunSeek app helps you balance safe sun exposure and vitamin D production. SunSeek combines real-time UV monitoring with personalized recommendations to help you optimize your daily sunlight exposure. 

The app tracks your location, skin type, and health goals to create a customized routine for improving energy levels, sleep, and mood. Best of all, SunSeek aligns your daily routine with natural light cycles to help you safely harness sunlight's health benefits year-round.

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