Can you get vitamin D in the shade? Learn how it affects your daily intake needs for optimal health.
Spending time outdoors is great for your health. Whether you’re walking, running, or lounging on the beach, they all offer valuable benefits that help boost your mood and support your physical well-being. Can you get vitamin D in the shade? If you, like many others, are unsure how to maintain healthy vitamin D levels safely, this article is for you. We’ll provide valuable insights to help you confidently achieve your goal of getting enough vitamin D without risking sunburn or overexposure to UV rays.
But, how to measure sun exposure? One great way to assess your vitamin D exposure is with SunSeek’s daily sunlight exposure tracker. This helpful tool can aid you in your quest to maintain healthy vitamin D levels while minimizing your chances of getting sunburned or overexposed to harmful UV rays.
Table of Contents
How Much Sunshine Do I Need for Enough Vitamin D?

The primary source of our body's vitamin D comes from our production in the skin. This requires the ultraviolet rays from sunlight to form vitamin D3; both the liver and the kidneys are needed to create then the active form of vitamin D.
Those with inadequate sun exposure, including:
Disabled people
The elderly
Dark-skinned people
Those who live in northern latitudes during the winter
They are at risk of low vitamin D3 production, which can lead to a loss of bone density and an increased risk of fractures. Disabled people and infants are often less likely to go outdoors, and people over 70 don't produce vitamin D3 from their skin as effectively. As for people with darker skin, they have more melanin, so less UV light gets absorbed to create vitamin D3. They need more sun exposure to produce vitamin D3 than those with lighter skin.
Variables Affecting Vitamin D Production
To begin to answer your question, we have to look at all the variables that affect vitamin D3 production:
Your skin pigmentation
Your general age
Your latitude
Time of day when you go out in the sun
Season of the year
A study in Valencia, Spain, measured the sunlight necessary to produce sufficient vitamin D in those with lighter skin. (Valencia is about the same latitude as Kansas City, Missouri.) The researchers considered the amount of clothing and the season of the year. In spring and summer, 25 percent of the body (the hands, face, neck, and arms) is exposed to the sun.
In these seasons, about 8 to 10 minutes of sun exposure at noon produces the recommended amount of vitamin D. In the winter, only 10 percent of the body is exposed. Nearly 2 hours of sun exposure at noon is needed to produce sufficient vitamin D.
Demographics on Vitamin D Production
Another study compared the geographic extremes of Miami and Boston. Researchers studied people who tanned well but burned when exposed to the sun. In the summer in Miami, with 25 percent of the body exposed to the sun, a person would need only 3 minutes of sun exposure to make a sufficient amount of vitamin D. That same person, when placed in Boston in the winter, would need 23 minutes at noon to produce enough vitamin D.
Then again, Boston is cold in the winter, so you would have only 5 percent or less of your body exposed to the sun. Thus, 23 minutes in the sun in Boston must be stretched to more than 2 hours to ensure sufficient sun exposure. In addition, if you have darker skin pigment, the time required to produce enough vitamin D would be even longer.
Sunscreen: Necessary Protection or Vitamin D Blocker?
As for sunscreen, it can decrease the formation of vitamin D3 by the skin, but again, there are many variables, such as:
How much of your body has sunscreen
How thick is the layer of sunscreen
Level of SPF
There is a balance, a Goldilocks zone, between sufficient sun exposure to make vitamin D3 and the risk of skin cancer.
Storing Vitamin D for Rainy Days
Because our fat cells can store vitamin D for months, you don't need to worry if there are days when you don't get enough sun exposure. You'll still be safe from the detrimental bone effects of low vitamin D if you get enough sun on other days. So take some time to be outside.
Related Reading
• Do You Have to Be in Direct Sunlight to Get Vitamin D
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• How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter
Can You Get Vitamin D in the Shade?

Yes, but it's not that simple. Shade and glass significantly reduce vitamin D production. To understand how much, we must consider the role of direct sunlight in synthesizing vitamin D. The body produces vitamin D when ultraviolet B, or UVB, rays penetrate the skin and trigger a chemical process. Shade and glass filter UVB rays, reducing the effectiveness of vitamin D production.
For example, a study found that UVB radiation at 280–320 nanometers, the effective wavelengths for vitamin D production, dropped to levels around 50% in tree shade and under an umbrella. On a covered veranda, it was much less, around 11%, and completely absent in a car with closed windows.
Vitamin D Production in the Shade: What Does the Data Say?
Research shows that the body can produce vitamin D effectively in the shade. A study on latitudinal variations in Australia concluded that using shade for vitamin D can reduce total UV radiation exposure by 37% to 58% compared to full sun. The research indicates an improved approach for optimizing UV radiation exposures for vitamin D production is to use diffuse UV radiation under shade in and around the middle of the day.
This research also indicates that pre-vitamin D effective UV wavelengths in the shade were most significant for a tree shade and a shade umbrella. Compared to that in full sun, pre-vitamin D effective UV wavelengths were at levels of approximately 52 and 55%, respectively, beneath the shade umbrella and in tree shade. UVB irradiance levels in the shade of a northern-facing covered veranda and a car with windows closed were significantly less than those beneath the shade umbrella, with levels of approximately 11 and 0%, respectively, of those in full sun.
Bottom line: You don't need to be in direct sunlight to get vitamin D, but it certainly helps.
Other Factors That Affect Vitamin D Production
When assessing sun exposure for vitamin D production, we must also consider other factors like:
Window glass
For example, while clothing doesn't completely block UV rays from reaching the skin, it significantly reduces their effects. The same goes for window glass; it filters out UVB rays, making it unsafe to assume that sitting indoors near a window will provide any vitamin D benefits. Sunscreen also greatly minimizes vitamin D production by blocking those rays from penetrating the skin. If you can't spend time in the sun or prefer to stay covered, taking a supplement is a reliable way to ensure you meet your vitamin D needs.
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Other Ways You Can Get Vitamin D

1. Fatty Fish: The Richest Natural Food Source of Vitamin D
Fatty fish and seafood top the list of natural vitamin D sources. Canned salmon, for example, contains up to 386 IU of vitamin D per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving, about 50% of the recommended daily intake (RDI). The exact vitamin D content of seafood may vary depending on the type and species. For example, some research suggests that farmed salmon may contain only 25% of wild-caught salmon. Other kinds of fish and seafood rich in vitamin D include:
2. Mushrooms: The Only Vegetarian Source of Vitamin D
Mushrooms are the only vegetarian source of vitamin D. Like humans. Mushrooms can make their vitamin D upon exposure to UV light. Humans produce a form of vitamin D known as D3 or cholecalciferol, whereas mushrooms produce D2 or ergocalciferol. Both forms of this vitamin can raise circulating vitamin D levels, though research suggests that D3 may raise levels more effectively and efficiently than D2.
Certain mushrooms, like wild maitake, can provide up to 2,348 IU of vitamin D per 3.5 ounces (100 grams), nearly 300% of the RDI. Due to sunlight exposure, wild mushrooms typically contain more vitamin D than commercially grown ones. UV-treated mushrooms are also available. Always carefully identify wild mushrooms or buy from trusted sources to avoid poisonous varieties.
3. Eggs: The Simple Way to Add Vitamin D to Your Diet
Egg yolks are another source of vitamin D that you can easily add to your routine. Like many other natural food sources, yolks have variable vitamin D content. Conventionally raised chickens that don’t have access to the outdoors typically only produce eggs harboring 2–5% of the RDI.
Some research indicates that eggs from pasture-raised or free-range chickens offer up to 4 times more, or up to 20% of the RDI, depending on how much time the fowl spend outside. Chicken feed can also affect the vitamin D content of eggs. Those fed vitamin-D-enriched grain may produce yolks that boast over 100% of the RDI.
4. Fortified Foods: A Safe Bet for Boosting Vitamin D Intake
Because few foods naturally contain high levels of vitamin D, this nutrient is often added to staple goods in a process known as fortification. Still, you should remember that the availability of vitamin-D-fortified foods varies by country, and the amount added to foods may differ by brand and type.
Some commonly fortified goods include:
Cow’s milk
Plant-based milk alternatives like:
Soy milk
Almond milk
Hemp milk
Orange juice
Ready-to-eat cereals
Certain types of yogurt
If you’re unsure whether a food has been fortified with vitamin D, check its ingredients list.
5. Vitamin D Supplements: An Easy Way to Get Enough of This Nutrient
For many people, taking a vitamin D supplement may be the best way to ensure adequate intake. Vitamin D exists in two primary biological forms — D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Typically, D2 comes from plants and D3 from animals. Research suggests that D3 may be significantly more effective at raising and maintaining overall vitamin D levels than D2, so look for a supplement with this form.
Additionally, it’s essential to purchase high-quality supplements that have been independently tested. Some countries, such as the United States, don’t regulate nutritional supplements, which can negatively impact supplement quality. It’s best to choose supplements tested for purity and quality by a third party, such as the:
Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG)
Vitamin D Supplement Dosage and Vegan Options
Dosage Vitamin D supplements vary in dosage. That said, the amount you need depends on your current vitamin D levels. For most people, 1,000–4,000 IU is a safe daily dose for maintaining healthy levels. You may need a much larger dose in certain circumstances, especially if your current levels are very low or you have limited exposure to sunshine.
It's essential to have your vitamin D levels tested by a medical professional to determine the correct dose. Most vitamin D supplements are animal-derived, but vegan options are available. Vitamin D2, plant-based and widely available, is typically vegan-friendly, while vegan D3, derived from lichens, is rarer and found in specialty stores or online.
6. UV Lamps: An Alternative Way to Get Vitamin D
Lamps that emit UV-B radiation may also boost your vitamin D levels, though these lamps can be costly. When your skin is exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun, it can produce its own vitamin D. UV lamps mimic the action of the sun and can be especially helpful if your sun exposure is limited due to geography or time indoors.
UV radiation has been used therapeutically for various skin conditions for decades, but only recently has it been marketed to improve vitamin D levels. Safety is essential to these devices, as too much exposure could burn your skin. You’re typically recommended to limit your exposure to 15 minutes at a time.
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Download Our App to Track your Daily Sunlight Exposure Today

SunSeek helps you optimize your daily sunlight exposure by tracking and providing personalized recommendations based on your location, skin type, and health goals. The app combines real-time UV monitoring with guided outdoor activities to help you improve sleep, boost energy levels, and maintain optimal vitamin D levels throughout the year. By aligning your daily routine with natural light cycles, SunSeek makes harnessing sunlight's health benefits easy while ensuring safe exposure through personalized timing recommendations and cloud coverage forecasts. Download our app now to track your daily sunlight exposure.